

3 日門票最多可優惠 10,000 日元!

從 1 月 31 日(周五)開始申請早鳥折扣票!售完即止!

  • 互聯網申請(先到先得):
    1月31日(星期五)18:00 ~ 2月9日(星期日)23:59
  • 每人僅限申請一次。請注意,同一人多次申請將被視為無效。
    (每人最多可申請 2 張音樂節入場券、1 張停車證和 2 張露營券)。
  • 可購買的露營地門票數量將以所購買的電影節入場券數量為限。
  • 僅可購買停車券和露營地門票。請務必在購買音樂節入場券時申請停車券或露營地券。
  • 預售期間可購買露營地門票。
    在 “早鳥折扣 ”期間僅購買音樂節入場券的觀眾可在日後購買露營地門票。(請務必注意,以後將不再提供僅購買停車券的服務)。

    FRF ’25 早鳥折扣票

    音樂節三日入場券(FRF’25 早鳥折扣)

    49,000 日元(含稅)
    59,000 日元(含稅))

    【Eligible Entry Period】
    7 月 25 日星期五上午 9:00 至 7 月 28 日星期一上午 5:00

    *節日期間每天淩晨 5 點關閉。持有 3 日套票的觀眾還需在早上 5 點離開慶典場地一次,並於早上 9 點重新入場。

    • 每張入場券僅限 1 人入場。
    • 15 歲及以下兒童在成人陪同下可免費入場。
      *截至 2025 年 7 月 27 日,15 歲以下兒童有效。需要帶照片的身份證件。
    • 從 JR 越後湯澤站有付費班車接送。(往返 2,000 日元)


    5,000 日元(含稅) 【Eligible Entry Period】
    7 月 24 日(星期四)中午 12:00 至 7 月 28 日(星期一)中午 12:00
    • 每張露營券可供 1 人在節日期間使用露營地。
    • 15歲以下兒童在成人陪同下可免費入場。
    • 營地門票不包括帳篷和其他設備。

    停車券 / 3 天停車券(1 輛車 / 可供 2 人或 2 人以上使用)



    【Eligible Entry Period】
    7 月 24 日星期四中午 12:00 至 7 月 28 日星期一中午 12:00
    • 門票數量有限。即使在早鳥折扣中達到了門票數量上限,S 停車場和 A 停車場的門票也將在今後的預售中發售。
    • A 停車場的門票將由組委會從會場附近的三個停車場中進行分配。
    • 停車券的申請僅限於購買 2 張音樂節入場券的人士。如需購買 2 張以上的入場券,請另行申請。
    • 不能隻購買停車券。
      如需駕車前往,請務必購買 “停車券”。
    • 駕駛摩托車(50cc 或以上)參加慶典的遊客可將車停在慶典 1 號停車場。
      到達時需支付 2,000 日元的停車費(僅限現金,節日期間有效)



    Online Application (First-Come-First-Served)

    • From 6:00pm Friday January 31st to 11:59pm Sunday February 9th, 2025

    Available while supplies last.

    <Application Website>

    【Available Ticket Types】 Festival Entry Ticket / Campsite Ticket
    *Those wishing to purchase a Parking Ticket should apply via Gan-Ban (info below).


    <Application Website>
    FRF Official Shop GAN-BAN(PC/MOBILE)

    【Available Ticket Types】 Festival Entry Ticket / Parking Ticket / Campsite Ticket

    FRF Official Shop GAN-BAN(PC/MOBILE)

    Information Regarding Ticket Purchase

    • For information regarding ticket types not available during the Early Bird Discount, please see FRF’25 Information.
    • Please be sure to note that changes or cancellations cannot be made once your application is registered.
    • Be sure to purchase tickets from an authorized outlet.
    • Tickets purchase via unauthorized outlets will be deemed invalid and the festival will not be responsible for trouble with the ticket, nor will you be eligible for a refund in the event the festival is cancelled.
    • The Wristband is your “Proof of Purchase”. Wristbands will not be replaced under any circumstances.
    • Those who remove or lose their wristband will be required to either exit the festival or purchase another ticket. Please be careful with your wristband.
    • Depending on the type of ticket you purchase, your wristband will either be delivered to you in advance or you will be required to exchange your ticket for a wristband on arrival at the festival. Please check the info included in the notification you receive.

    Admission to the Festival

    • Children age 15 or below may enter free of charge if accompanied by an adult.
    • Valid for children under the age of 15 as of July 27th, 2025. Photo ID required.

    Campsite Information

    • The campsite is not segmented. Please be neighborly in sharing the space with others.
    • The campsite is located on a ski slope with an incline.
    • Use of open flame is prohibited. The use of only a tarp in lieu of a tent is also prohibited.
    • ・Cooking in areas other than the barbeque area is prohibited. Please be sure to use the barbeque area to prepare food. Charcoal and other cooking utensils will not be provided so please bring your own.
    • Vehicles are not permitted to enter the campsite. Please carry your own luggage and equipment yourself.
    • Shower facilities will be available for campsite users. Bathing facilities are also available at Naeba Onsen (paid).
    • Please be sure to take all tent and camping equipment with you when departing the festival.

    Parking Area Information

    • Parking will be restricted to the times and locations listed on the Parking Ticket.
    • Parking of larger vehicles exceeding 6 meters in length, such as “microbuses”, will not be permitted.
    • Parking for bicycles is available free of charge at the No. 1 Festival Parking Area.
    • The number of Festival Entry Tickets with Parking Passes available for purchase are limited. Be sure to purchase yours before they sell out.
    • Please be sure to note that Parking Tickets removed from the attached Parking Pass will be deemed invalid.

    Regarding the use of RV Camping Cars

    • Parking is available as long as the vehicle size is within 2.3m in width and 6m in length.
      However, please refrain from obstructing the space of other vehicles by placing chairs or tables outside the vehicle, setting up side awnings, etc.
    • Guests who wish to cook and camp in the space where they parked their cars may use the “MOON CARAVAN” auto-camping area, which allows for 6m x 6m plot use.
      (*Tickets required for use of Moon Caravan will be available in the future.)


    Please be sure to read and understand each of the following cautions prior to traveling to the festival.
    Festival tickets are non-refundable so please be sure to fully read and understand all rules and regulations before purchasing your tickets.

    Minding Your Manners
    Making Fuji Rock the Cleanest Festival in the World Once Again

    「Help & Respect Each Other」 「Respect Nature」

    Fuji Rock can only advance to a new stage of its evolution if every one of us takes the actions necessary to create a comfortable environment for all while making everlasting summer memories.

    Items Prohibited at the Festival

    • Outdoor chairs requiring assembly
      Chairs which cannot be folded up can cause injury to others when being carried.
      Please note that foldable chairs must be folded when being carried within the festival as they may cause injury to other audience members.
    • Umbrellas
      The use of umbrellas is prohibited in all areas of the festival including camp sites. Use of umbrellas limits your field of vision and can be dangerous if blown away by strong winds.
    • Leisure sheets, etc., which occupy large amounts of space, and or other objects, etc., which obstruct the view of others.
      《Examples of Prohibited Items》
      ・Blue sheets (tarps) or other blankets, etc., which use more space than necessary for the number of persons using it.
      ・Tarps, parasols, sunshades, tents (outside of camp sites), or other items or objects which restrict the view of others.
      These items can cause congestion and can be difficult to carry, leading to them being abandoned and becoming trash causing other members of the audience trouble. (Occupying space within the festival for prolonged amounts of time is prohibited.)
    • Items which will not be taken with you upon departing the festival such as leisure sheets, chairs, tents and other camping equipment, etc.
    • Sound recording equipment
    • Glass bottles, cans, etc. (Glass and cans cannot be brought into the festival in a cooler.)
    • Explosives including fireworks, etc.

    In addition to the above items, animals (pets of any kind), items prohibited by law, and any dangerous items are prohibited at the festival.
    Please note anyone found to be in possession of prohibited items will be asked to remove them from the festival grounds.
    Those who do not follow the instructions of festival staff will be removed from the festival. Tickets will not be refunded under these circumstances.

    Actions Prohibited at the Festival

    • No smoking within the festival
      Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.
      Please refrain from conversation and occupying the smoking areas for long periods of time.
    • Actions which cause harm or injury to others
      In addition to moshing or stage diving, transportation of chairs, etc., which are not folded up may cause injury to others when in crowded areas.
    • Littering and leaving trash behind
      Please be sure to separate and dispose of garbage in the appropriate trash receptacles. The festival is located in a rich natural environment and recycling efforts at the festival are undertaken by volunteers. Garbage at the festival is recycled into garbage bags distributed upon entry to the festival and toilet paper at the facilities located throughout the festival grounds.
      《Do not feed the monkeys or other wild animals》
      Litter and garbage left behind at the festival can inadvertently become food for wild animals in the festival area causing them to appear in the camp sites and possibly causing harm to members of the audience. Please aim for a symbiotic relationship between animals and humans by refraining from actions which attract wildlife.
    • Abandoning chairs, leisure sheets or using them to save space
      Use of personal items to save space, or abandoning items, is prohibited in all areas of the festival.
      Items left unattended for long periods of time will be deemed abandoned and disposed of.
      Please also note the use of sheeting or personal items to occupy large amounts of space is strictly prohibited.
      The number of unattended leisure sheets and chairs, etc., at the festival have increased in recent years causing audience members to not be able to utilize an open space even when there is nobody there. Please be sure to carry all chairs and sheets, etc., with you when moving around the festival to avoid congestion and allow the greatest number of people to rest.
      The above also applies to the Priority Tent area. Please be sure to take all belongings with you when leaving the area.
    • Use of chairs or sheets in restricted areas
      《Restricted Areas》
      ・Red Marquee Area (including outside of Red Marquee tent)
      ・Areas between stages and sound tents and lighting towers, and the spaces directly in front of the stages.
      Regardless of location within the festival, use of chairs and leisure sheets may be restricted due to congestion or for crowd control measures. Please be sure to follow all instruction or announcements by festival staff.
    • Prolonged use of, abandoning personal items, and the use of the facility by those who do not apply, at the Priority Tent
      The Priority Tent is meant to be a short-term rest facility for those we meet the following requirements. Those who do not apply are not permitted use of the facility.
      Also, use of the facility for over 1 hour is not permitted.
      (Those with a government issued Disability Certificate are permitted use of the facility as required throughout the day.)
      ・Persons with disabilities and those accompanying them.
      ・Pregnant women and those accompanying them.
      ・Children under school age and accompanying adults.
      Accompanying persons are limited to 1 person.
    • Audio or visual recording of performing artists

    Those who are found to be in violation of the above or who do not follow the instructions of festival staff or are found to be causing trouble for other audience members will be forcibly removed from the festival.
    Tickets will not be refunded in these cases.

    Other Cautions & Festival Regulations

    • The Festival withholds the right to make changes to the Rules & Regulations of the Festival at any time with or without notification if deemed necessary for the safe and orderly operation of the festival. Please note tickets will not be refunded for the reason of any changes made.
    • The Festival will be held in the event of inclement weather (excluding natural disaster). Please also note that tickets will not be refunded in the case of any cancellation or change in artist line up.
    • The Festival is held in a rich natural environment. Please be sure to be fully aware of natural dangers including but not limited to risk of falling, hypothermia caused by wind and or rain, injury caused by wild animals, poisonous vegetation, or insects such as bees or flies, etc.
    • Please refrain from excessive alcohol consumption. Overly intoxicated persons may be removed forcibly from the festival.
    • Moshing, stage diving or any other actions or behavior which may cause harm or injury to other audience members is strictly prohibited. The Festival will not be held responsible in any way in the event any harm or injury is caused to another member of the festival audience due to these types of actions. Any claims must be resolved between the parties themselves.
    • In the event a person is found to have entered the Festival illegally, the person will be handed over to the local police department and sued for damages.
    • Please strictly refrain from causing any trouble for residents in the area around the festival.
    • Niigata Prefecture laws dictate those under the age of 18 are required to return to their lodging by 11:00pm.
    • The final performance of each day of the festival finishes after the last train departing Echigoyuzawa Station. Please note there is no other public transportation available after the last performance of each day of the festival.
    • Be sure to secure transportation to and from the festival yourself prior to coming to the festival. (Sleeping outdoors in or any near the venue or Echigoyuzawa Station is prohibited. Please also refrain from traveling to the festival by car without securing a parking pass in advance.) Please also note the number of parking passes and lodging facilities available at the festival are limited.
    • Those found in possession of restricted items within the festival will be asked to remove them from festival grounds.
    • The Festival organizers, venue, or performing artists are not responsible for any accidents or thefts in or outside of the festival.
    • Those who refuse to follow the instructions of festival staff, or cause harm or injury to other members of the festival audience will be forcibly removed from the festival. In the case the Organizing Committee deems a person to have repeatedly done so or has malicious intent, the festival withholds the right to ban that person or persons from entering the festival in future years regardless of whether the individual(s) purchases a ticket. Tickets will not be refunded in this case under any circumstances.
    • Cameras and or video cameras are permitted within the festival but recording of artist performances is strictly prohibited. Sound recording equipment is prohibited in all areas of the festival. Use of selfie sticks is prohibited in front of stages, during congested times and while moving within the festival.
    • Please be sure to read and understand all rules and regulations prior to purchasing tickets. Purchase of ticket is deemed agreement to all rules and regulations & terms and conditions of the festival.
    • All personal information provided upon purchase of festival tickets will be held securely by the festival organizer.